Refund and Exchange:
If you are an outlets has an agreement of dealing direct with us, You have the right to return the item/items within 7 days from delivery date and receive a credit note.
But if you have purchase any of our items from the outlet where they deal with our distributors and sale our products and if the matter related to a manufacture defects or operation issues, you can return the item/items back to the same outlets and it must be under the warrantee period “one year from the date of purchase” unless any service/maintenance will be chargable and subject to acceptance.
In case you are a consumer and you have purchased our item/items online, you will have no to return any items or the chance to refund your money and the only thing we can do is the service required it the purchase items/items within the warrantee period “One Year”.
Note: any postage or courier charges will be under your cost.
You have a right to cancel an order once you have placed it and it has been accepted by “Bebecom” but not dispatched, but in case the shipment already moved from our stores, the postage or courier charges will be payable by you.
Defective or Damaged
All of our items we are selling are carefully inspected before it is shipped. If you found any defective or damaged upon receipt please contact us immediately so that we can deal with this promptly, we will do the best for you to have a refund or exchange for the same item.
As outlet’s client, Returned products that are not faulty must be in an unused condition and in their original packaging, have the receipt that we have given you and than it will credit it to your account.
Please return items unused and in perfect condition in their original packaging. We ask you to obtain a purchase proof of all items returned, you are liable for any products not returned or returned damaged. Before returning any products please let us know by fax/ e-mail or by post and state the reason for returning products. Please fill out your returns note when returning products and state the reason for return.