When your child is newborn. And it is. But at around two months according to the experience, it is possible to get into a routine that makes your baby want to go to sleep at around the same time every night. Depending on how much time you want to allocate to this, you could give your baby a bath and a massage or both before putting him to bed. Or you can read a story. With the routine for your baby was merely to wash him (no bath), put on a new diaper, Dress or a pyjamas, put the lights out and put him to bed with his pillow and pacifier. swaddled his lower body and one arm until he is a few months old. you might have to go in and give him his pacifier a few times before he falls asleep, but you can handle while helping your other kids to get ready for bed too. You need to introduce a morning routine too, getting up at about the same time every day. |