Babies often go through several outfits every day. At the very least, they use a good sized pile of nappies. This means that parents frequently find themselves bent over their baby, taking care of the changing duties. All of this bending may help to explain why so many parents complain of sore backs.
Back Saving Baby Changing Tables
Baby changing tables are popular purchases for new parents. In fact, many parents list the changing table as their single favorite piece of baby equipment. It allows parents to stand upright as they change and dress their babies, which, considering how much time parents spend doing those tasks, can make it your single most frequently used item.
About Nappies and More
When it comes to choosing the type of nappies that you will use on your baby, many parents have strong opinions. Some prefer cloth nappies while others opt for the disposable type. In either case, you will have changed literally thousands of nappies by the time your little one is potty trained, which can be a bit overwhelming to think about.
Packaged baby wipes are a convenience that most parents appreciate. They are especially useful when out and about, but are nice to have at home, too. Unless your baby has extremely sensitive skin that precludes their use, unscented baby wipes are usually considered to be well worth the money. |